Lisa Byrne’s Simultaneous Perspectives

This text refers to the above quote and on my interests concerning time.

In a photographic framework the object in movement, over a long exposure, creates a blur. The blurry photograph causes a failure in the copy because it no longer resembles the object.

The copy a resemblance occurring in the static image assumes to represent the object even beyond the objects absence. Static, beyond and absence all assimilate a death title. Failing the copy, time; deaths scapegoat enters the picture demonstrating that the object moved over duration.

Time stands still if nothing moves, when something moves we are conscious of the passage of time. Movement is a condition of life. If something moves it is agreeable to say that time is also moving. If nothing moves may we consider is this stillness an aspect of death? In the nothing we know about death a speculation of death could mean that everything stops.

The object that shows life in its animated state causal of blur is situated between absence and presence, between representation and non-representation between reference and referent. You could say that the blur makes not a resemblance but a reference. The intention of the blur references life in the image moving away from the death register but yet standing in-between.

Resemblance is depreciated through the blur to allow semblance in the spectator, another order of movement through cognition.

Time remains ever allusive; duration is defined between one point to the next. The object in movement shows in its animated state that life propelled it to move. The photographic result renders perhaps an unreachable subject that moves through time into an assembly of constant presences.

In the many instances that make reference to reference after reference and to what they intend the duration photograph extends the instants into one cohesive form reducing detail and producing an eternal void.

My footnote is also inspired by: “Time is an image of eternity, but it is also a substitute for eternity.” – “It is the void in our sensibility which carries us beyond sensibility” Quoted from Weil, Simone, Trans, Craufurd, Emma, Gravity and Grace, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1952

Lisa Byrne 2007

In reference to “The Man without References” by Becky Beasley